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DARK AVENGER – Tales of Avalon ‘The Lament’

DARK AVENGER – Tales of Avalon ‘The Lament’


  1. From father to son
  2. Doomsday night
  3. The knight on the hill
  4. Broken vows
  5. Stronger than death
  6. Can you feel it?
  7. Utther evil
  8. Sicorax scream
  9. Dead, yet alive!
  10. And so be it…
  11. The thousand ones

Durata: 55 minuti
Scarlet Records
Release: 24 June 2016
Mario Linhares – Vocals
Hugo Santiago – Guitar
Glauber Oliveira – Guitar
Gustavo Magalhães – Bass Guitar
Anderson Soares – Drums
Vinicius Maluly – keyboards